Hey there🌚, I know it’s been long but a lot has happened since the last time I wrote to you guys.
First, there was the Ileya festival and I had to take a 10 hours bus trip to my father’s house. It was so hectic plus I was traveling with my sister in law and my baby niece 😒. Got home and was down with flu the next day. I barely enjoyed the holiday🥺.
Only for me to receive a message from my man that he is moving 39 hours away 😩. Rude shock even though I was not new to the idea and the process but I bawled my eyes out. Seeing each other once every two weeks was hard enough, wym you’re moving to another continent bro? But I had no choice, this was something we prayed for. We were together till he left and I knew it was a long flight but still 😂 we lost communication for 24hrs and I almost lost my mind😂.
Now, I’m of the opinion that LDR hardly works, in fact I believe only 10% of LDRs work so imagine my state of mind when I got the news. I had a million thoughts running through my mind. Is this the end for us? How will I find something perfect for me only for it to move to the end of the world (literally)😂? Of course I asked him these questions over and over again till I started to get annoyed at myself😂 but this man did not mind, reassured me a million times🥺.
Also, school work is whooping my ass. I don’t even know who sent me work oh🥹. I barely have time for myself.
Since we went home for the festival, my sister in law and niece are yet to leave home. I miss my niece terribly and I’ve told my mom to waybill her to me abeg😂🥹.
For what is worth, my life is actually on a good track and I’m happy.
I hope you’re happy too 🫵❤️.
Wahala for who no love 🌚
But love is sweet sha 🤭❤️